Saturday 30 May 2015

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Fifty Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Fifty Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Trying for a baby? Being healthy before, during and after pregnancy involves so many different aspects of your life. So, I've compiled a quick list to help you stay on the healthy side.

  1.    See your practitioner before becoming pregnant.
  2.    Start changing your food habits to include a healthy variety of foods.
  3. . Exercise! Starting now will help you stay in shape during pregnancy, can lower your risk of miscarriage, and has been proven to help reduce labor complications and length.
  4.    Educate yourself!
  5.    Eat a new vegetable you've never tried.
  6.    Check out a book on pregnancy.
  7.    Figure out what to do about chemical birth control, like the birth control pill.
  8.   .Stop smoking.

    There are many programs to help you.
  9.   Take a prenatal vitamin. They can be prescribed by your practitioner or you can buy them over the counter. Ensure it contains 0.4 mg of folic acid.
  10.   Ask your partner to join you on your new healthy habit changes.
  11.   Track your cycles. Learning what you can about your cycles will help determine when you ovulate and when you conceived. These make for more accurate due dates.
  12.  If you need a new practitioner, interview before you become pregnant.
  13.   Ask your friends about pregnancy and parenthood.
  14.    Avoid chemicals that could possibly harm your baby. You can find these at work, in your home, and just about anywhere, be environmentally sensitive.
  15.  See your dentist before you get pregnant and brush your teeth daily.
  16. Tell any medical professional that you may be pregnant if you are trying to get pregnant. This can prevent exposure to harmful tests and chemicals if you are pregnant and don't know it yet.
  17. : Stop changing cat litter.
  18. : Remember, it can take up to a year to become pregnant. If you have been actively trying for a year or more than six months if you are over 35, see your practitioner.
  19.  : Act pregnant. This includes not drinking alcohol, even while trying to conceive. There is no known safe level during pregnancy and alcohol can cause birth defects.
  20.   : Announce your pregnancy when you are ready.
  21.  : Talk to your parents, what do you want to take from their experiences? How do you want to be different?
  22.  : Rest when you can. Nap!
  23.  ; Start a journal or a pregnancy blog.
  24. : Use non-medicinal remedies for problems like nausea, heartburn, and constipation.
  25.  :. Drink six - eight eight ounce glasses of water a day.
  26.   : Read yet another book!
  27.  : Join a prenatal yoga or exercise class.
  28.  :Keep your prenatal appointments with your midwife or doctor. This will help ensure that if you have any problems that they are caught early and kept to a minimum.
  29.  :. Take an early pregnancy class.
  30.   : Remember to add 300 - 500 calories a day while pregnant.
  31.   : Tour your selection of birth facilities before making a choice if you are not having a home birth.
  32.   :Review the signs of premature labor and warnings signs for when to call your practitioner.
  33.  : Talk to local doulas and start interviewing. Doulas can help you have a shorter, safer and more satisfying birth.
  34.   :Keep a food diary to ensure that you are keeping up with your daily requirements.
  35.   : If you are decorating your house or a nursery remember to avoid fumes often associated with paint and wall paper. Perhaps have friends do the heavy work while you help make snacks for them. Keep the windows open!
  36.  : Baby sit a friend's baby and learn a bit about caring for a newborn.
  37.  : Take a childbirth class. Sign up early to ensure you get the class and dates that you want.
  38.  : Swimming is great in late pregnancy. It can help relieve a lot of aches and pains and makes you feel weightless.
  39.   : Take a breastfeeding class to help prepare you for the realities of breastfeeding.
  40. : Stretch before bed to help prevent leg cramps.
  41.   :Continue to exercise, even if you have to slow down. This will help you recover more quickly.
  42.   ; Write a birth plan. Something to help you clarify what you want or need for your birth experience. Share this with your practitioners and those you have invited to your birth.
  43.   : Have film and cameras ready!
  44.   : Practice relaxation whenever you can. Try for at least once a day.
  45.  : Do pelvic tilts to help with late pregnancy back pain. It will help relieve your pain and even encourage the baby to assume a good birth position.
  46.  : Pack your bags if you are going to a birth center or hospital. Don't forget your insurance cards, pre-registration forms, camera, birth plan, etc.
  47.  : Review the signs of labor and warning signs.
  48.  :Take a picture of yourself before the baby comes!
  49. : Read birth stories.
  50.  : Kiss the baby 

Love Heart Tattoos for Girls

Love Heart Tattoos for Girls

Since the heart can be easily integrated into many other designs, it’s easy to find one that resonates with you.If you don’t find the perfect tattoo, though, you can always ask your tattoo artist to help you create a custom design.Even the heart itself can be represented in many different ways.

Arabic Bridal Mehndi Designs

Arabic Bridal Mehndi Designs

 All three are very popular and have their own beauty Arabic bridal mehndi designs we are talk more about Pakistani and Arabic bridal mehndi designs patterns.Here we collect some exclusive Arabic Bridal Mehndi Designs for asian brides .
To begin with, Arabic fashions because the name suggests are far more typical for the men & women inside the arabic.

Dear visitors here we collect Arabic Bridal Mehndi Designs Pics for asian females for all overe the world females.  here you can see latest collection Arabic Bridal Mehndi Designs Pics .

Top Hip Tattoo Designs For Girls

Top Hip Tattoo Designs For Girls 


 It is one of the places on a females body that is both sensual and easy to cover up if need. Thus makes for a great area to get tattooed and one that is fairly common. If you are struggling for ideas or worried about the cost of the pain of a hip tattoo then this guide will help you know what to expect and even help give you some ideas for your own hip tattoo design. The hip tis where the leg bone connects to the rest of the body in what is called a ball and socket joint. For all intensive purpose the hip is the bony part of the femur that sticks out as it connects to inside of the hip bone. There are very few men who will get a tattoo here unless it is part of a much larger tattoo design that just happens to extend down to this area. So many of the common female tattoo designs can be used here. Anything from a fairy to an angel to a butterfly can all work well in the area. Often women also like to get more traditionally many tattoos in this area. Such as a skull and crossbones, a dragon or even a nautical star. However, due to the placement of the tattoo in such a sensual place it no longer looks to many but interestingly enough very sexy. The juxtaposition of a mainly tattoo is such a feminine area often works really well. Another consideration is many people like to get symmetrical tattoos in this area and might design a tattoo that worked well on both sides. For example a angel and a devil can work well with one on each side of the hip.

Top Tattoos On Collar Bone For Girls

The tattoo is for my golden retriever. she got hit by a car last november and since then she has gone thruogh alot of hard times, and even though she is going through all this she still has the same attitude as she did before...happy-go-lucky, and free spirited.

Funny Tattoos For Women

These kinds of tattoos may be much more lighthearted and sometimes get a giggle out of even the most uptight person. There are many different examples of funny tattoos, but perhaps the most common is simply getting a cartoon character tattooed on your body, such as a famous TV or movie cartoon character.

Tattoos For Girls Gallery

Some of the ladies like show off their pin up girl tattoos, sparrows, sacred hearts, angel wings, butterflies, hearts and cherry blossoms. These are often popular ones but you know they are just the tip of the iceberg of the variety of female tattoos of the Inked People that adorn our members and our featured guests and celebrities. You'll also see plenty of demons, vixens and any number of all kinds of fascinating girl tattoos.